
The official countdown is on to the actual move date – we move on Monday, May 7 at 9:00 AM. So a mere 7 days until the move. 7 seems to be a big number in my life right now – this is also our seventh year of marriage. We have 7 million more things to do, too.

We started packing well in advance of our closing, and now just have the hard stuff left to pack: kitchen, master bedroom, and bathrooms. Our house is overwhelmed with boxes. Moving always seems like such a great idea until you can’t find a vital piece of your life, because it’s been packed away in a box that is stacked up against the wall, three boxes deep. But it’s another one of those universal experiences – everyone moves. The metaphor I like best is from my friend Kevin: all of us are just hermit crabs, changing shells.

New shell, here we come! Old shell, see ya later!

One thought on “Countdown

  1. I remember when you, producer extraordinaire, packed my entire house for a move; alone. You had the VERY best system. None of my vital things were packed away.

    Whenever someone moves, I remember how you saved me at a very difficult time in my life, by taking over and successfully packing and moving me.

    After all, we’re all just hermit crabs.


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